
Complete your months, and I will allow you to depart

"I want to go home." I fold my arm, "I see no real reason for joining any group. Take me back to my kingdom."

"We leave before the fiery sun makes an appearance. You are expected to be in the dining before we leave."

"I thought you said I'm not going for the hunt?" I raised a brow at him, "don't tell me, you've changed your mind already?"

"You are not going with us." He turned to go, "get ready before the appearance of the fiery sun. I hate tardiness."

"And I love doing what others hate," I said before entering my room, making sure to bang the door behind him, to show him what I think of his words.

No one is entitled to tell me what to do with my life. I will wake when I want to.

A gasp escaped my throat when I saw the beauty in front of me.

A blue chair with golden gems encrusted in it was what greeted me. I look around the place, searching for the person who might have dropped it. But I caught no trail of a person.

Cautiously, I walked toward the chair.

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