
Extraordinary Loot, Generous Offer


After walking halfway in the hidden abode, a lofty sight entered Kieran's view. Small piles of gold coins were scattered throughout the spacious cave with gems similar to rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and other precious stones accompanying the mounds of coins.

However, despite the sheer value of these piles, that wasn't what drove Altair to call for Kieran. Located not too far away from the heaps of coins, directly in the center of the cave, as if it was designed to draw any visitor's focus, was a stone table.

Situated upon the stone table were various armors and weapons. However, given Rautori's propensity for destruction, the items atop the table were limited to heavy weapons as well as Heavy and Plate Armor. Out of everyone in the party, only Kieran, Nemean and Bastion could benefit from such items.

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