
Mutual Understanding

No one got in Xavier's way as he moved around the large building to the point that it felt slightly unusual. But he couldn't complain, and it seemed as though they had all received orders to give him absolute freedom and treat him well. Barely remembering his way around and remaining on the top floor, Xavier was trying to get back to the dressing room he had initially been led to. With help from a few on the way, who were on guard and prepared despite not getting any sleep, he found the room he was looking for.

He knocked to make sure it was empty before heading inside. Then he changed into a black shirt and black trousers. There wasn't much to choose from and he chose the darkest clothes he could, so that any bloodstains from his wounds were less noticeable. Then he began exploring the building. While doing so, he was looking for where the boss of operations would be, interested in seeing where she did most of her work.

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