
Conversation with the Wife

"It may be better for me to meet them here." Joshua replied. "Having the meeting at my residence could be unnerving for even the most steeled of minds… You know with all the powerful demons walking around."

"I understand." Cassandra replied. "Being professional assassins, they most likely have skills to sense energy and power. Having a meeting surrounded by those so powerful may make them less willing to be open about what they know and more prone to retreat. I am sorry I asked such a stupid question."

"It wasn't stupid." Joshua said. [Wait, was she testing me?!] He thought to himself. "Although I surmise that you knew the answer to the question before you even asked it."

"I have no idea what you mean." Cassandra said with a half-smile breaking the right side of her lips. "I will let the network of servants know you wish to meet them here; they should be here tomorrow night at midnight. They only operate in the darkness."


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