
Final Battle - I

The room was thrown into disarray as the deafening sound of gunshots erupted from all directions. With a sense of relief and excitement, Mu Qingqing realized that Qin Yufeng had finally arrived. Her face lit up with an unmistakable smile as she surveyed the area, taking in the chaos around her.

Mo Qinhe, who was standing nearby, noticed the expression of joy on her face and reached out to grab her hand. However, just as he did, a bullet whizzed past him, narrowly missing his head. Reacting quickly, he jumped back to avoid being hit.

With a sneer, he grabbed his own weapon and fired toward the entrance, his eyes scanning for Qin Yufeng's figure. Amidst the confusion and danger, Mu Qingqing seized the opportunity to slip away unnoticed. She quickly darted towards one of the pillars and hid behind it, peering out cautiously to assess the situation and plan her next move.

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