

Ning Mei sighed and said, " Because I don't think it is a place for you to speak about an incident that almost ruined your little sister life in the crowd?"

Everyone went silent on hearing Ning Mei. Ning Yiyi's eyes slowly widened as she was caught off-guard. It was then she realised that she had been. caught in a different situation at a wrong place.

" I- I did not mean it, Mei -" Ning Yiyi stammered as she tried to explain herself.

But the next second, Ning Mei burst out laughing, taking everyone aback. Has the girl gone mad? Everybody has the same question on mind. One minutes she was sad and the other minute, she was laughing.

Ning Mei waned her hand and said, " Just look at your face, Jiejie. You were looking like a scary cat! " Ning Mei teased and Ning Yiyi face turned red on hearing it.

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