

Later at night, Ning Mei sat on her bed with a glass of juice and her phone after she was done showering and ready for the night. She now opened her Social media sites and was so pleasant surprised and also shocked to find her name trending on top. And the. ELEGLAM by koral trending on second.

And honestly, she could not believe it at all. She refreshed the page many more times to be sure that she wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. And no! It was all real! She shrieked happily and sent a screenshot of the page to her friends.

Then she opened her comment box, something she had to deal with. Ning Mei saw that the hate comments had increased considerably in numbers. Though, many were positive comment. And some though doubtful questioning comments, were polite enough. But somewhere brutally hateful with horrible curses, but to her pleasant surprise some sensible people tried to defend her too, though not many.

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