

Well, if it would be someone else as a couple, they girls could have easily digested with a smile. But their love? What kind of love was that, where the girl sleeps around with Producers and Directors to get roles, inspite of having and using her rich boyfriend for the same. 

And the boy who when away from his girlfriend in another city , is a famous Casanova. 

And even, if they see if logically, I'm the eyes of the world and family, Yu Lian was Nian Ting's legal fiancee, as the engagement has not been annulled. In that case, Shen Qian was no more than Nian Ting's mistress. 

Ning Mei and Yu Lian turned to look at each other. It was evident from their eyes that they were both thinking of doing some thing evil, and they winked at each other. 

Ning Mei chuckled and said, " Come on, hand over your bags to me. " Yu Lian too readily handed over her bags and said, " Here you go. " 

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