

Yu lian nodded and said, " It doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. We can give it a good try. " Then thinking of something, she said, " Some of my earlier artists, also used to do Social media influencing along with social media modelling. So, I have a few contacts and connections with a few smaller companies and brands. Let me see whet I can do. I will let you know my tommorow. 

Feng Ye also nodded his head and said, " I will also try finding some things for you, if I can. " But Ning Mei shook her head and refused. She said, " Nope. I don't want that. Or else, people are going to know that we are friends and they will say that I am trying to leach on your popularity." 

Feng Ye rolled his eyes and said, " It's alright. Friends are meant to leach on each others. But I don't worry, I am not going to feature you in my account, but I can surely get some projects for you. You know, I can help you using some of my connections. " 

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