

Gu Yeze asked, " Who ordered you to? And what were you upto? " he asked the boy as, Gu Yeze dangerous squinted his eyes. " Open his mouth! " He ordered. 

The men did as ordered. And as soon as, his mouth was free the boy coughed roughly. He raised his head to look that Gu Yeze. 

Gu Yeze frowned hard looking at the red eyes full of tears, as they now continuously flowed down his cheeks.

" I am sorry, Sir. But I cannot say anything. I am helpless. " His voice cracked in the last


Gu Yeze continued to frown, but a couple of seconds later, his expressions drastically changed and he rushed forward to that man as she shouted, " No! Wait! " 

But he was late. The man whose mouth was now free bowed his head down and licked something on the lapel of his shirt, and the next second, his body started jerking fervorously before white foam started coming out of his mouth, causing his instant death. 

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