

The presidental floor did not have people, so the elevator was empty when they got in. 

But they did not know, something else awaited for their employees poor heart and soul. 

The elevator reached the next floor, the employees were gathered as the office hours had ended and they were all leaving, But as soon as the door opened, everyone, everyone froze. 

They saw in there, was a deadly handsome man who looked same as their Big Boss, had worn exactly same clothes like him, had exactly the same aura as him, standing there with a very beautiful girl holding her hand, and that too with their fingers interlocked. 

Every single soul witnessing that were sure that, he had to be an imposter. No way was he, the real Gu Yeze! Didn't their Boss not like woman and was asexual? He had to be an imposter or Gu Yeze's long lost identical twin. But can never be him! 

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