

Ning Mei looked straight into Gu Yeze's eyes. Gu Yeze looked back at her, as if silently questioning her reason to come back. But before, he could register any other thing, Ning Mei moved forward and cupped his face and stared into his eyes for a couple of seconds before capturing his lips into a very gentle yet sweet kiss. 

It was their very first kiss as a legally married couple. And the two kissed each other as if they wanted to savour every second of it. Gu Yeze wanted a kiss, but her sudden action took him by surprise. So for a second, he didn't know where to keep his hand and what time do next. 

Ning Mei released hands from his face and held both of his arms and made them hold her back. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him even closer to her. 

On being showed the guidance, and under the breath taking kiss of the little vixen, he tightened his hold around her and deepened the kiss. 

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