
The Final Entrance Exam [5]


The bald boy disappeared in a flash, leaving only a large gust of wind behind.

The other patients looked on with confusion, as the boy disappeared into the cover of the sea of trees.

However, they didn't dawdle absentmindedly for too long.

The group of examinees dashed into the forest in a frantic struggle to be the first one to enter.

Pushing, shoving and forcing others to the side to increase their chances of being the next person in.

At this point, they resembled more of a pack of wild animals than intelligent humans.

It seemed that the bald boy's speed put a certain pressure on their group to catch up with him.

Arvell shook his head at their barbaric behaviour, and slowly strode after them.

Tests like this weren't designed to rush through.

After all, they weren't measuring their speed, but the end coin count.

Even if they got in there first, they would need to still locate and acquire the coins.

Both of which would pose to be arduous tasks, to say the least.

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