
I've saved this family

Back in the memory.

Zelda noticed the hunger in Amaira's eyes and could already guess what the young blonde must be thinking as she hesitantly reached for her aunt. 'She's having an internal conflict,' she thought, before saying out loud, but in a whisper, "She's going to kill someone."

The inner voice always wins.

Zelda met Adeline's eyes, "We have to put her under now."

Before Adeline and the twins could nod or respond in agreement, the crazy woman they were pretending to be working for, or in her words, doing favors for, interjected. "No, let my daughter be," Janet told them. "I want to see what she'll do."

A frown downturned Zelda's lips as she thought, 'This woman is beyond insane; she turns her daughter into a monster and is planning to bury her alive, but still calls her daughter?'

"She'll kill that woman," Adeline argued with Janet. "You know how painfully persistent the urges can be; she'll give in and kill her."

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