
The red eyes of the devil

A few minutes earlier.

Elias took up the keycard and slipped it into the back pocket of his pants before starting for the door.

His eyes found a large red ant scurrying about and he crushed it under his boot while wondering, 'Is this really a five-star hotel?" A frown formed on his lips as he turned the handle of the door. 'Why are there such large ants in the rooms?'

It didn't take him long to forget about the ant; he was only going to eat the vampire, but he couldn't help but get excited when he smelled the spilled blood of the dying humans inside.

Elias knocked on the door and he heard shufflings inside before the vampire yelled, "Come back later!" He continued to knock even after the woman yelled for him to come back later twice.

Elias could hear the irritation in her voice each time; a smirk formed on his lips and he continued to knock insistently when he heard the stomping of her feet nearing the door.

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