
Drink my blood

Taranis furrowed her brows, "How is that possible? She's been pregnant for over a year already, that baby cannot still be a zygote."

"But it is," Tyche told him. "Remember that the body of a vampire does not function like the body of a normal human; regardless of Alia being unordinary, she's still a vampire."

"The baby inside her is certainly supernatural, but it will still need all the things human babies need to develop. Since Alia is a vampire, she cannot provide the baby with the things he or she will need; she'll have to be a human again."

"Is that possible?"

"It is," Tyche told him. "I've heard rumors of a shaman in Asia who knows something about turning a human turned into a vampire back into a human." She turned away from him, "That is all I am able to tell you, Taranis and I must make my leave."

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