
Ghouls from Hell

At The Council of the Supernatural based in England. 

Lady Anna, of course, didn't meet Xander and Officer Logan James in person. Her robotic voice came from a faceless android and all she asked Logan is if he had any memory of what happened leading up to his transition and if he fully understood what he was.

One of the many powerful shamans of the organization put Logan under a spell that would enable him to say only the truth, but they weren't dealing with a newborn-vampire police officer; they were dealing with Taranis...the most powerful of his kind.

He was in the weak body of a mere newborn vampire and he couldn't use any of his elven-vampire capabilities, but he still had his mind and his soul; their so-called "powerful" shamans couldn't mess with his mind...they were still nothing in comparison.

Logan kept his responses brief; he told them he had no memory of what happened leading up to his transition and that he woke up in the woods.

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