
The beginning to a certain end

Over a century ago, in the last battle between the light and shadows of Hell, Elias lost his lover to a sacrificial ritual. The only light in his darkness went out the second they slit her throat.

He ripped his own heart out and threw it in the raging flames. Without his humanity, there was no feeling of loss, sadness, anger...only his natural urge to kill. No one was spared, not even his own people...he devoured them all without remorse.

Elias was spiraling out of control and the only person who would've been able to stop him was laying lifelessly, completely drained of blood, on a cold, stone altar.

She was the owner of his heart and soul, and the key to everything; his life and his death.

One powerful shaman, Alia sought to use this weakness of the devil and conjured a spell powerful enough to kill him; she made a way for him...a true immortal to be killed.

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