
Story of their death

"Just leave me here," Rose weakly pleaded as she loosened the hold of her arms around Officer James' neck. Her voice slurred as she continued, "Someone has to warn everyone."

Officer James kept his feet trudging forward as he firmed his hold below her buttocks. "Won't they react to my words the same way they reacted to Amaira Hendrix's claims?"

Rose's face turned sour. "Why do you always have to bring up that bitch in our conversations?"

Officer James staggered a bit as he blinked numerously to clear his blurry vision. His body was begging him to take a rest, but Hell is no place for peaceful sleep.

The wounds, dehydration, and hunger started to take a toll on his body, and the extra weight on his back only made matters worst, but he wasn't going to leave her to die.

It's better to return with a corpse to mourn and bury than a mere horror story of their death.

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