
Hijacked (Ch.658)

"Decaron..." Everon warned in a tone of displeasure.

"The hidden archives have been compromised. I returned to the Keep in a rush, leaving behind pressing duties... I did not wish to believe it. You know as well as I do that there is no justifiable reason to break our laws." Decaron confronted directly.

By rank and bloodline, Everon was superior to Decaron and by all rights, in a hierarchical race like that of the beasts of Asvar, Decaron directly challenging Everon was considered a disrespect.

However situations like this were the exception, Decaron was just doing his duty, even if it would not help their cause.

"Whatever punishment Your Eminence deems suitable for my actions today, I will accept it without question. But I will have that returned to its place or I will take it away myself." Decaron did not back down.

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