
Something Untoward (Ch.337)

"This..." Menarx murmured quietly, lifting the tiny button up closer to his view so he could examine it better.

"What is it Narx?" Everon asked in concern, moving closer to Menarx.

Lodenworth and Conrad watched in silence, none of the three could determine what exactly it was Menarx had seen to leave him in such a tense state.

But Menarx was completely frozen still, just staring at the item in his hand.

"This..." Menarx muttered, again letting his words trail off, the absurdity of what he was seeing left him completely stunned.

Though first glance had already told enough, Menarx found it hard to believe,

Hard to believe that he would find a piece of item he recognised so well out here in the middle of dwarven territory.

It was a very small object, a button that would most likely only fit the wrist button holes of a small sized person.

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