
Word to Be Kept Under Wraps (Ch.334)

At the highest parapet of the first tower of the rider's academy, the sight of an emerald scaled beast making flight for the academy became even more clear as moments passed.

The sight was a much welcome relief to a pacing Master Maloway who stood at that height and watched for the arrival of Lord Kirgan whom he had sent for.

Master Maloway was not the only one who awaited the arrival of the only King's guard left behind in the Keep.

Not so great a distance from Master Maloway, the other two senior masters of the academy, Masters Heather and Gerwin stood.

They were calm at first glance, each standing at their own corner, seemingly unaffected by Master Maloway's anxiety, yet their countenance was visibly bothered and that much was obvious.

"Summoning the King's guard to the academy with such urgency, when last have we had such an unlikely situation?" Master Heather grumbled beneath her breath from where she stood.

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