
Downtown Inn (Ch.299)

The darkness of the night had already blanketed the skies of Downtown district when the carriage which had arrived the district at late noon finally came to a stop outside Downtown Inn.

It had taken another few hours of travel to reach the inn, but that was already expected.

The day had been a busy one and had seen the arrival of many merchant troupes, as such, the streets had been filled up and carriage travel paths experienced high traffic.

They also had to go through the checkpoints set by the dragon guards of this district.

But finally, this carriage had arrived at it's destination.

Downtown inn was situated in the very depths of the district, a quiet portion of downtown that was away from the bustling activities, trade routes and travel lanes.

The quietness of this part of the district was not a serene silence that one would find around high class business establishments, instead it was an eerie sort of silence.

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