
A Season In Tajmaé 7 (Ch.252)

"My husband! He's my husband!" Estelle blurted out.

The words were out before Estelle could fully process them, Estelle realized just how silly her claims sounded a little too late.

Did she even appear like a woman who had been married? Was there a look to it? Could it be told apart if one truly was married or not?

Estelle did not know, she did not know how any of this worked. But there was no taking back what had already been said, not if Estelle valued her life and Dante's too.

Estelle's heart ran cold, it was not her preferred method to resort to deceit, but given the circumstances, she was left with no choice.

Forest Tajmaé was completely unfamiliar to Estelle, even if Lord Farren let her go free at this time, how could she ever hope to find Dante on her own in a vast forest with magical barriers and over a thousand nymphs?


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