

In a dark place that was far away, infact, that was in a different plane of existence all together, and where no mortal had ever set foot, a gigantic mansion that seemed to be made purely of diamonds and which stood well over 200 metres in height floated in the darkness. This was the residence of the newly promoted god of the human realm. The god of order, spirit and truth. 

Inside the mansion, a beautiful woman whose figure was bathed in a radiant white glow stood beside another person who she had pinned beneath her foot and who seemed to be severely weakened. 

The person who had been pinned down was a man who was geared in a complete set of eight piece plate armor that glowed a brilliant blue. He was bloodied all over And there were deep claw marks running through the armor he was wearing. It was as if whatever had scourged such marks in his armour had seen the man's equipment as one saw paper. 

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