
The Most Plain Jane Heroine In The World

Noelle Stevenson had always used books as a form of escape. She grew up in a small town with a big family where chaos often reigned. 

She loved her family dearly but the second she graduated from high school, she was determined to go to the big city and find the romance that would not be possible with people she had known since kindergarten. So many of the novels she loved were set in New York City. 

It had seemed so glamorous before she actually got there. She barely managed to get into a super cheap apartment that she had to share with seven others and struggled to find a job at first because she was so shy. 

Being a barista was not what she had imagined doing with her life but there were so many romance stories set in coffee shops. It was as good a place as any to try and make her dream a reality. A job was a job and she really didn't want to job hunt again so she stuck with it for three long years. 

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