
What's Your Story?

Gwen was a bit taken aback by the way Mateo talked about his roommates but she supposed that was simply his personality. She didn't have much experience with people who spoke their minds like this. 

"So, what's your story?" he asked while she was still trying to process all of that. "You have to hit rock bottom one way or another to be here."

"I lost my job, my apartment, and my savings at the same time," Gwen said honestly. 

Mateo pulled a sympathetic face. "Yikes, I'm sorry. Have you started looking into others?" 

"No. I've only ever had the one job and it has a very specific skill set so I'm basically useless. I don't even know how to job hunt because it was sort of handed to me."

"Talk to Derek or Becca. They know all about job hunting! Maybe try Becca first though. Derek might bite your head off."

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