

Her eyes widened on seeing that none except her was on the dimly lit street. She looked around her left and then right but no matter how hard she searched the answer remained;

There was no other person on the street except her. And this came as a shock to her.

"I am more than certain that someone was following me up to the moment I turned around so how come none is here right now?" Joanna muttered.

As though searching with her eyes wasn't enough, to prove that she was not hallucinating Joanna appeared in front of the black pillar at the right corner of the road.

She run her fingers through her well-styled hair realising that no one was hiding behind the pillar.

"I am a hundred per cent sure someone was tailing me?... And the question boils to this; who was it?" She mumbled. 

She looked far ahead until her vision had covered the entire street, hoping to see someone lurking by but nothing changed.

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