
Hunt (III)

Zero didn't respond and stared into the distance where the Behemoth was coming. He could see the heat signs of the Behemoth's body getting bigger and bigger.

"Zero?!" General Liam tried to call again, and it finally dawned on him that Zero was still blind and deaf. This shocked General Liam immensely, mainly because he maneuvered out of the dangerous area and came out without as many scratches, most superficial. When he looked at

Zero, he was amazed at Zero's instinct and had a new profound respect for him. "You're truly a monster." He whispered.

Zero swiveled his head and tilted it; he could see less than a thousand soldiers, and even fewer players came running out from danger. Most of the players who got out alive were out of sheer luck, in which case it was a skill. He frowned, knowing full well that this was going to be a tough battle; his gut instinct told him that there was a very high chance that he would fail.

Still, he didn't recoil from the danger; instead, waiting a few more seconds before he decided whether or not he would pick up General Liam and dash away.

As both sides hid behind the cliff walls, General Liam was redirecting his army into two. They got themselves ready to push back the Behemoth and stand and fight against the monster instead of drawing it back towards the city.

Zero wasn't sure having a standoff right here against the Behemoth was a good idea, and honestly, he had a bad feeling about the whole idea. He could see the heat signature of the Behemoth slowly slugging its way over. He could also see some heavy tail resembling a dolphin's tail being pulled behind it, with the rest of its body reminding him of some oversized buffalo.

From his guess, with the Behemoth taking its sweet time in making its way over, the army would have a better chance of fleeing. However, zero didn't want the soldiers to die over a pointless battle, so he rushed toward General Liam. General Liam's scent was engraved in his mind, and he easily found him.

"General Liam!" Zero trotted over quickly. "We need to get out of here!"

General Liam turned towards him and folded his arm. "What are you talking about? This is a good time-"

Zero interrupted General Liam as he just continually talked. "The Behemoth is walking slowly; at this rate, it will be better if we run away and make it quickly back towards the city."

"What are you su-" Once again, General Liam was interrupted.

"Please trust me on this. Even though I can't see or hear, I can still sense it differently. So we need to leave now!"

General Laim went speechless; he forgot that Zero was deaf and blind for that split moment; he was too engrossed in what to do.

"Using the city's defense mechanism will be more beneficial in this fight. Plus, we will have more people fighting with us."

General Liam thought it over, but then he shook his head. "No, not worth the time. We need to kill this monster now instead of running away." He then turned around, leaving Zero behind.

For a moment, Zero thought General Liam understood him as he was shouting and waving toward his soldiers, but as time passed, he saw nobody moving in the direction they should be going. So instead, they stayed at their designated spot, waiting for the Behemoth.

"Damn it!" Zero swore, rumbling with annoyance. But unfortunately, this battle wasn't favorable, and many players and soldiers were still blinded and deaf.

"What are blazes going on?" Jorge replied, holding onto his spine. "Is everything alright?"

They replied as if Zeraph and Agnis understood Jorge's words.

"I got a horrible feeling about this." Agnis pushed her body closer to Zero, her arms wrapping around his spine as if her life depended on it. "Where are we, Zero?"

"Zero, we need to move away from this area now!" Zeraph yelled, slapping the side of his neck, telling him to hurry up.

Still, Zero brushed off Seraph's path and stared in the direction of General Liam. He paced back and forth, debating on what he should do. Go in and snatch General Liam and run or choose to fight to the last man standing. Zero gritted his teeth and dashed forward.

"Gah! Zero!" Agnis grabbed on tightly so she wouldn't fall off. She was bulking up and down into a sprint, causing her hair to spray all over her face. "Slow down!"

"Ugh!" Jorge held his breath, trying not to barf on Zero's shoulder.

The intense energy was coming toward General Liam's army much quicker than before, and everyone felt it. They shuddered, holding their weapons close to them as they waited. Of course, nobody knew what they were facing; all they knew was called the Behemoth. But, even from its name, they knew they would fight against a Legendary creature that had just appeared.

Even the horse whined and whimpered, neighing in fright at what was coming toward them. They skittered around, pacing back and forth until finally, they couldn't take it anymore as they bulked. All the soldiers and players who had horses were thrown off their horses as they ran away in fright.

People started to panic, knowing full well that controlling their mount wasn't easy; for it to run away made their escape that difficult, meaning that this was a stand-or-die fight. A rare few on their horse were dragged away, unable to make them turn around.

"Blasted horse!" One of the players fell off with a loud thud as the horse ran away.

Players were chasing after their runaway horse but miserably failed. Some were jostled around by other players and soldiers trying to stop, causing several accidents.

"What's going on?!"

"Something is coming!" A player shrieked in fright; the overpowering energy was getting stronger, making breathing difficult. "We need to escape!"

"Shut up! Nobody is escaping!"

"Get ready!" General Liam's voice cut through the panic, helping to quell the chaos. "We'll defeat the monster here and now! For the honor of the Elven Queen and the Hero Samuel!"

The army cheered, drowning out the shouts and fear.

General Liam yelled. "To honor!"

"To honor!" The others replied with just as much enthusiasm.

The Behemoth's steps became heavy, causing the ground underneath them to shake horribly. A giant head emerged from behind the cliff as it took up one-third of its body, its large mouth gaping open, breathing in and out its foul air through its mouth.

Everyone cringed from the horrible stench of their breath, making their stomach turn. Its six beady black eyes were like small buttons on the sides of its head, and scales that were jagged and rough like an elephant covered its body. Walking slowly on all four of its legs, its hammer-like tail thrashed around and hit the side of the wall. Upon impact, the wall crumbled, bringing down with it an avalanche.

"Attack!" General Liam yelled, pointing his sword toward the monster.

On both sides, the army spilled out, throwing magic at the Behemoth's body.

Behemoth raised its front legs and stomped downwards hard. The ground trembled, and everyone floundered around as they fell onto the ground. Even Zero dropped low, hugging the ground. Large fissure-like division erupted around the Behemoth's leg, splitting the ground. A handful of soldiers close to the Behemoth were suddenly pulled into the dark depths. Screams resounded as they disappeared into the ground.

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