
The Gate (II)

The dark spirits pulling the clear spirits threw them towards the Obsidian. A sucking-like power pulled the spirits into the rock like a vacuum till nothing was left. In seconds, every one of the spirits disappeared into thin air leaving only the empty shell of the dead, the assassin, and Angel.

Blackstar didn't fear humans, and he was not the type to easily get scared, but the strange humanoid shadows seemed more like monsters. They were something completely out of his realm and strength. From this point on, he knew there were things much stronger than him, darker, and more primal that couldn't be explained by science alone.

He now believed that there was something more than what meets the eye. Blackstar knew that he was not hallucinating or taking any medications. Instead, everything that was happening before him was happening for a fact.

What was scarier was that the mastermind behind all these dark spirits was none other than Angel himself. A new growing fear of Angel grew in their hearts, and they knew that following Angel was the correct path if they didn't want to die at his hands.

Angel's voice broke the heavy silence in the air. "Well, that was exciting, wasn't it?" Angel's lips slowly turned into a grin, becoming bigger and bigger.

Not a single breath could be heard.

"I wouldn't say that was exciting." BlackStar was the second one to speak. "I could say that was

quite a learning experience. What was that?"

"Nothing strong. They're the lowest kind of dark entities."

"You're saying those were the lowest grades there are?" Blackstar couldn't fathom things with even more vital oppressive energy than they just saw. The oppression the dark spirits gave off was already suffocating enough, and something out there was worse. With a gulp, he felt his arms tingle.

"Yes, don't you know? Just because we don't see them doesn't mean they're not out there."

"How did you find them?"

"Can I find them? That's where you are wrong. They have found us." Angel grinned. "They have always been watching BlackStar. It's just that we never paid attention till now."

Blackstar felt his skin crawl from the way Angel spoke. He felt that Angel knew more than he had let anyone believe. But, honestly, he didn't understand what Angel was thinking and planning. The slaughtering of the Council Members on the East Coast was planned, but the backlash would be a hundred times worse. Angel knew all this, but he still went through it. What was his goal? He didn't know.

"What's wrong, BlackStar? Your mask has momentarily slipped." Angel's voice shook him out of his stupor.

"Nothing at all."

"Really? I believe that is a lie, but if you insist that there is nothing to talk about, I will not push it any further. Well then, I'll leave the rest to the group to clean up this mess."

The other assassins started to move around on cue. They had begun picking up the dead bodies and carrying them out.

"BlackStar." Angel turned around one last time.


"I need you to send me a file of the twenty-four best students we have ready to test on the field."

"I will get it ready for you in the morning."


Angel turned and left with a whistle. His left hand was twirling the silver cross necklace around in circles. BlackStar quietly followed after and went straight back to the Academy.



Oct. 30, 2054. Friday. 3:33 AM

Angel closed his eyes, letting meditation wash over him. He felt his spiritual body drift out of his body. He was standing in front of his sleeping body, which sat on a wooden chair. With steady breathing, he walked through the darkness toward his goals.

The only thing he had to get was the soul of an innocent and pure. There were not many out in this world who retained such childish innocence. Even children of these days were tainted even younger than before.

Reaching into his pocket, he rubbed the silver cross. "Take me to the nearest purest soul." He whispered. A sudden dark energy cloud permeated out of the silver cross. The clouds wrapped around him like a dark cloak, large black ghastly wings spread out onto his back. An ugly creature's head appeared on his shoulder, connecting the ghastly wing.

"Yes, my master." A screeching voice replied to Angel.

The monster's black wing flapped, lifting him in the air, and they flew like a comet through the sky. Angel watched the world from the sky; he saw different colored auras appearing below him, telling him they were living humans. Some houses were covered in shimmering white light that blocked out the darkness from entering, while others had a black aura invading the homes.

It wasn't until he flew a little further that he heard an angelic female's voice speak out calmly and with vigor. She didn't waver but instead prayed with conviction. Serenity and compassion filled with happiness and love. "Our father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name."

Angel landed a bit away from the girl. The dark aura disappeared into his silver cross. He straightened his clothes and walked in with a sinister grin. He walked towards the young girl praying in the middle of the field, where she sat face forward, placing her elbows on the cut-down stump. "Our father, which art in heaven, Hallowed; be thy name." He repeated her words with glee.

"Thy kingdom come. They will be done on Earth, As it is in heaven." Her voice continued to ring with calmness.

"Thy kingdom come. They will be done on Earth, as it is in heaven." Angel's foot became heavy and a bit sluggish. He glanced towards the young girl with hatred and jealousy burning in his eyes.

"Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us."

"Give us this day our daily bread. And do not forgive us of our trespasses, As we do not forgive them that trespass against us." Angel ground his teeth, he was getting harder and harder to get closer to her, but he still moved forward without a single falter of his steps.

A beam of bright sunlight erupted from the clouds, shining down from the sky. "And lead us not into temptation." She cried out in a firm voice.

"And lead us ALL into temptation!" Angel was now shouting, trying to overcome her voice.

Darkness swirled around him and even invaded the space around the little girl who prayed diligently. Her face was contorting in pain as if something was pervading her mind. Angel's words overlapped hers, making it more difficult for her to pray.

"But deliver us from evil. For thine are the kingdom, The power, and the glory." She replied with a pained voice. The wind picked up, blowing her yellow hair.

"Deliver us to evil. For thine are the kingdom of darkness, The power, and the glory." Angel's steps were becoming more confident, while the girl's voice was becoming smaller and smaller. The light was weakening and dimming into nothingness. Dark storm clouds were entering from the right, blanketing the sky in black.

"Forever...and.…." The girl's shoulder was getting crunched up into a ball. Angel stood next to her and was smiling with an evil grin.

"Forever and ever." Angel slowed his words into her ears.

"…..ever…." Her voice was thinning out, suffocating her to the point of making her unable to breathe. She was gasping for breath, trying to say the last word.

"You are not loved." Angel's words were like delicious poison. His hands raised behind her back as he caressed her gold hair. "A.M.E.N." A black light from his silver necklace turned into a black crossed sword and appeared before his hands.

With a gasping ecstasy, he thrust the black sword into her back and out the other side of her heart.

The girl shuddered in pain, and the last whisper of her voice echoed throughout the field.


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