
Well. I feel like I jinxed something

Getting up from her chair and glancing at the mug of coffee that sat on her desk, fully refilled, she chose to ignore it for the time being and explore the area.

"So one person's death resets it for everyone?"

She concluded as she walked past the ticking clock and broken office chair.

Nearing one of the empty white walls, she saw nothing appear or anything change.

Touching the wall by sliding her fingers across it, the surface felt like smooth glass.

Pushing it and seeing no change at all, she pulled back her fist and punched the wall.

Nothing but a loud bang.

"Huh. Ow."

Kumi lightly waved her hand back and forth as her knuckles had gone a little red from the force she exerted.

Walking to where the man had ran through a suddenly appearing door, Kumi kicked the wall only to feel nothing.

"So I have to figure out the first puzzle of finding a possible exit. I guess the guy can already do that and is struggling on some different puzzle or objective or something. Can't wait."

Kumi placed a sarcastic undertone on the 'can't wait' part as she started walking away from the wall only to hear the familiar sound of a door opening behind her.

The sound echoed around as she turned to face the barren white wall where nothing had changed.

As a bright red light suddenly lit up in a square shape on the wall right at the same height as where her head was, Kumi quickly ducked as a pillar broke through the wall causing bits and pieces of rubble to be launched around the office.

Just barely dodging the pillar that was still going as if it were infinitely long, she felt something on the back of her neck as she turned to see another bright red square on the wall across the office.

Turning towards it, she saw how the wall was shattered there as well and the pillar was moving towards her at absurd speeds.

Getting out from under the first pillar, Kumi hopped and grabbed onto it as she used the momentum to launch herself a ways away from the approaching mass of stone.

Not quite being able to control her momentum as she let go of the infinitely moving pillar, her body smashed into a cubical wall.


She got up and dusted herself off as thankfully she didn't take much damage from the 'terrain' type attacks that came out from the void of pale yellow and white.

As she got up, she felt the ground shake and moved out of the way the moment when red circles appeared right below her feet.

Jumping behind a nearby cubical's wall, she saw how small metal pipes launched out of the floor like spikes and pierced through the ceiling.

"Isn't the difficulty here a bit too high?!"

As she took a look around the office again, she saw no glowing red marks but she still chose to stay alert.

Constantly checking the floor, ceiling and walls of the area she silently moved on through the area and towards one of the large holes that a pillar had made through the wall. The pillar was still there, moving.

Seeing nothing out in the void besides scrambled shadows falling in the distance, Kumi observed the area below and above her closely while keeping an eye on her surroundings as best as she could.

Far below the floor, she caught a glance at something moving. Entire corridors and giant rooms with stairways were being constructed and deconstructed like it was an infinitely generating map.

As a room was destroyed, Kumi caught a glance at the man she had seen, moving and dodging through all the pillars and pipes that were attacking him with efficiency, he flew down a flight of stairs but tumbled and fell into a roll that he followed up with a reckless jump into the open and empty white abyss.

Half a second of falling later he caught a moving pipe and some of the deconstructed office rubble as he continued to parkour around the area and continue moving downwards.

"Oh wow. I wonder if he had any of this planned or if he's just going with the flow."

She wondered as she lost sight of the man.

Feeling the room she was in rumble again, she hoped that the office wouldn't be deconstructed like the corridors and rooms she saw below.

Staying on her toes, she was a little bewildered to see the metal pipes that had pierced through the floor and ceiling come through the hole that was made by the pillar and quickly move towards her position as if trying to impale her.

"Infinitely long pillars that could smash my face in and infinitely long metal pipes that follow you around trying to pierce you, ey?

Fucking amazing training that you picked here Hilde."

Kumi commented in annoyance as she dodged the pipes as best as she could while using some broken cubicle walls as shields to redirect the pipes that she couldn't dodge.

The pipes of course pierced right through the weak walls but were slightly redirected nonetheless.

Dodging through the pipes and moving in a way to try and avoid any type of extra surprise attack that the void would throw at her, Kumi's attention was directed to the clock that was now loudly ticking counterclockwise.

"Guess one of us died."

The clock hit twelve and a moment later the pipes that were rushing at her were replaced by a blank white computer screen and a hot, refilled mug of coffee.

"Hmmm. Maybe there's some info I can pick up on this place in the computers?"

She took a sip of coffee as she started pressing random buttons on the keyboard that sat infront of the computer screen.

As she typed away at random she could hear the only other guy there grown in annoyance along with a loud thud.

"Someone is unhappy."

She commented as she pressed the enter key only to see a random text file pop up that was filled with random numbers and other jargon.

"That doesn't help. Maybe the computers that are turned off can be turned on and I can get some type of encryption code or something? Or decryption. What was the word again?"

She took another sip of coffee as the black text sped across her computer screen.

"Gods Almighty! When will this death loop torture end!?!"

"for some reason I feel like I've jinxed something..."

She commented after hearing the man complain to no one in particular.

"Ughh. Wait. Where the hell is my mug?! Don't tell me I lost it again!"

Kumi glanced at the coffee in her hands as she chose to stay silent with a wry smile on her face.


Making the decision to check out some other computers in the office before trying to make contact with the random pissed off guy, she pushed her wheeled office chair right past the corridor and into the cubicle across from hers.


Down the isle of cubicles where the man was sitting at and debating his future and present despair the computer was silently blaring its white screen. Yet through the noise of static and his own breath and murmurings, the man could still hear Kumi's chair roll past the isle.

Removing the hand that had been rubbing his eyes and glancing behind him, down the isle, he saw a patch of pink and grey hair move into a cubicle on his side.


He cautiously stood up.

Taking a few steps towards the cubicle, he could now hear frantic typing on a keyboard.

'Another person? A human? The shades don't have hair nor do they do anything except wander.... It can't be. Right?'

He thought as his breath became ragged and his steps heavier and faster.

Reaching the cubicle, he peeked behind its walls.

Sitting there, with her legs resting on another chair and typing away randomly at a keyboard of a computer that was turned off, Kumi sat paying no attention to the guy.

"A... kid? Here?"

The man mumbled to himself as Kumi stopped what she was doing and looked back at the man right in his eyes.

"Ah. And here I was planning on introducing myself when I had gathered all the info I could on this place."

Kumi said out loud as she sighed.


"What? What are you staring at bozo? Haven't seen a not scrambled shadow in a while?"

Kumi commented as she turned from the guy to the turned off computer.

"Still nothin."

"What did you say?"

Kumi looked back at the man and paused with a confused look in her eyes as after a moment, realisation hit her.

"Oh. I've been talking this entire time. Guess that's what you get when your mind is relocated without the unreadable face, all my thoughts now come out as words it seems. Or something like that probably."

She concluded to herself.

"Why is someone like you here? And what are you on about?"

"Yeah yeah. Introductions. Since you still seem a little dead inside and confused beyond measure, I can start."

She took her legs off the other chair that they were resting on and turned the chair she was sitting on towards the man.

"Kumi. Currently a child, expensive living weapon that's being prepared to be sent off to war by a guild of assassins and maids. Pleaure to meet you. And you are?"

The man paused for a moment.

"Uhh, Libertas Procurro. My friends call me Vaeril. And respectfully, what the fuck?"

Next chapter