
Are You Ready?

Brent breathed deeply, discovering Aurora still alive was suddenly making him edgy and restless.

Carl smirked and clapped his hands. "Ah, I finally got some good advice for you!"

Brent looked at him, his forehead creased. "That better be good!" he said desperately, waiting for good advice from his buddy. He can't let his confusion go on for a long time because Aurora's return was starting to mess up his mind right now.

Carl scratches his head. "Um... If Aurora will no longer pursue you then you don't have to do anything. But if she starts showing up in your life, trying to attach herself to your hip then you have to do something about it, because I have a feeling that she won't let go of you so easily..."

"And what if you are right, she will insist on getting back together with me, what should I do?" Brent asked.

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