
What Are The Real Conditions?

***JAKE'S POV***

After having gone to see Evelyn Quinn, I was more convinced than ever that she was behind all of this. I knew that she was the one that had made those men kidnap Alex, and she tried to throw the suspicion off of herself by pretending that her son was taken as well. Though she fucked up in a lot of ways.

For one thing, she didn't make the kidnapping, or the fake kidnapping, of her son public. Alex was taken in the middle of the day, with lots of witnesses present that would be reporting it to the police and the news. There was, however, nothing like that with her son. Did she not want that precious little pampered pansy of a pussy that she called her son getting hurt? She was more than willing to let Alex get hurt in the process of getting taken, but not her barftastic baby boy.

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