
Real life Vs. Fantasy life

Talia finally stepped out of the bathroom after taking off her wig. She had changed into shorts and a big T-shirt, face bare of any make up, her hair knotted into a messy bun.

"Well, have you told Max?" Ann persistently asked where she sat on the comfy queen-sized bed as she watched Talia unpack.

Max Akwa was their Manager who represented Talia in the Golden Elites Modelling agency. Though he was generally grumpy and bad tempered, he usually had a soft side for the two women. 

"I haven't." Talia breathed out, exasperated. 

Ann's eyes grew wide. 

"Talia.... " 

"Look, I haven't even..." She paused before she skidded over to the bedroom door to spy on Jephthah. He was on a call, and though his face was beet red, he was busy and wouldn't even eavesdrop. "I haven't even told Jephthah." She returned to the room to continue unpacking. 

"I could see that." Ann sacarstically remarked. 

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