
Queen Moana Is Alive?

Koan stilled, his hand automatically releasing from its tight grip on Talia's neck before backing away, watching as her body slid to the ground, slumping sideways like a log of wood. 

He just stood there, eyes wide, the anger clearing from his eyes as he watched Nancy and Brittany run to her, falling to their knees to check If she was still conscious, fussing over her. 

"I think it's better if we go... " Barton whispered from behind, seeing as Koan looked dumbstruck, his gaze still fixed on the three women. 

"Besides, I don't think it's wise if you and your mate go together since you two are the main pawns on whatever the king's up to. You two need to split up." 

Koan just sighed, shoulders drooping which Barton didn't take notice of as he moved close to Brittany, bending to her height on the ground. 

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