
Stay with me

Liliana flung one hand up, but once again, missed the extended arm towards her. She tried the other hand and missed again for a few times before she finally grabbed onto the arm before releasing a shaky sigh. 

It wasn't easy, but for the next ten minutes, Nancy grunted and groaned as she pulled her weight up while Liliana helped by slightly shifting and holding onto the arm tightly, sinking her claws deep, using her legs to step on the sides of the mountain to support her weight, debris falling down below. 

Once Raiden saw her head emerging as she was helped up, he unknowingly released the breath he's been holding ever since. 

Once Liliana got to the top, she didn't hesitate as she rushed into Nancy's arm, hugging her tight with dirt and tears on her gorgeous face, her heart beating against hers. 

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