

Daniel was up in his room relishing the view of watching half nude women splashing about in the water under the moon and twinkling stars.

He leaned over with his elbows on the window pane and scanned the area for Dora but he didn't see her.

"I thought she'd rejoin them at the pool".

"You hurt her feelings. Of course she'd be in her room wetting pillows and blankets". Kelvin stated.

"Whatever". He rolled his eyes.

"Treating girls like sh*t" Kelvin continued , earning another another loud sigh from Daniel. "Changing girls like underwear, breaking girls' heart. You're messing with the moon goddess boy".

Daniel scoffed , a chuckle escaping his lips as he lazily stared at two girls who he had a threesome with like two weeks ago.

'They look good in those bikinis'. He thought with approval. He had taken them shopping and had picked them out himself.

"What do you mean 'messing with the moon goddess'. I have no business with her". He finally pointed out.

"You mayn't but the moon goddess does and it's not your choice to make. She'll bring to you a mate who you'll kiss the ground for, begging for attention".

Daniel laughed leaning away from the window.

"The thought of that is just ..is just" He kept laughing at the scene of him bowing to a girl's feet begging for attention. "Ridiculous!!!".

Right in hell!!!!

"That's what they all say". It was Kelvin's turn to scoff.

"Really Kelvin? I don't think any woman on earth is worthy of my love and you think I'd be that desperate enough to seek for some flimsy attention from a woman".

"That's why she's the moon goddess".

"I don't think the moon goddess deserves to find me a mate. She thinks she can finally exist and find me a mate" His voice suddenly sounded pained as he looked out the window. "Where was she when my best friend died, huh? Or when I was taken away from my home for 12 years. Where was she?".

"Everything is for a reason Daniel. I see what's been going on. You've been venting out your frustration on women. You think hurting them will make you feel better. You're a real shitty kid, I'm gonna tell you that" Kelvin scoffed at him.

"I'll be here. I'll be here when you find your mate and when you do find her, you'll look back on your words and regret them".

"Are you sure I can't mute you or turn you off or something" Daniel interrupted when he felt bored just listening to him.

Kelvin said nothing more and retreated to the back of his mind and Daniel knew he was angry.

"Cuz.!!!" Someone yelled, banging his door close.

Daniel was still leaning against the window and turned lazily to see who had barged in.

It was Barton.

Though he had seen him once all these years on a visit, he looked really different.

He wasn't that annoying chubby kid who loved bullying him with his twin sister.

Barton had..really grown…

Daniel felt impressed seeing him for the first time.

"Hey Bart." Daniel called casually. It was his turn to grin, when Barton frowned.

"Still sticking to calling me that huh?" He joined him and the two leaned on the window pane staring at the women.

"I heard Brittany's found her mate". Daniel said, still looking ahead.

"Mum told you?".

"Yeah. So who is he?".

"Some Beta. I think in the Blood moon's pack". He disclosed.

Daniel didn't say anything and just nodded. She found her mate. Great. End of discussion.

"I brought beer", Barton announced, raising two bottles of beer he hadn't noticed he had. "Here".

"Thanks" Daniel said, taking one and chugging it down immediately.

"You've been with Justin for a while" Daniel chipped in as the two continued looking out the window, this time raising their chin up to chug down their beer once in a while.

"Just some pep. talk. You know..since I'm your only oldest male relative. He said some things about keeping you in check. Making sure you play your roles and duties well and take responsibility of most things happening in the pack. Blah blah blah. I kind of lost track of some things he said but I'm sure you get the memo."

Daniel didn't say anything for a while but after a minute he turned to ask a question when he noticed Barton looking at him.


"Nothing..just…you've grown man. Really. You're not that same little Danny we used to bully back then".

Daniel smiled.

"Yeah.. remember that time we had a massive fight and you sort of punched my nose because I bit Brittany and I bled like hell so my father had to 'banish' you guys from the mansion".

Barton laughed at the memory.

"That was some punch. And your little mummy nearly blew a fuse when she walked into the scene".

Daniel half smiled when he heard this part of the story that he couldn't recall happening.


Barton scratched his head.

"I think you called her Nana or something" He starts chuckling not noticing the pained look that filled Daniel's eyes instantly. "She was like your mummy then so I kind of assumed…". He stopped talking when he noticed his cousin's countenance.

"I'm…really..sorry.. I didn't…".

"No it's okay". Daniel said and whispered after. "I just …really miss her".

Barton just nodded, looking away. He couldn't say anything because he had made the atmosphere awkward between them.

When he spotted the women again, he perked up and quickly said.

"How about we get more beer downstairs with the women. I'm thinking of spending my night in a more erotic style" Saying that he wiggled his brows at Daniel causing the young boy to chuckle a bit which made Barton feel better.

"I don't really think bedding a woman twice would be as exciting as the first" Daniel casually said.

Barton took a minute to process his words before he finally hit him on the shoulder with a half-surprised, half-amused look.

"What!!! What!!! You can't be ..are you telling me…you…you've..all of them?? Really???".

Daniel rubbed the shoulder with a sly smirk.

"I'm maxed out. I need my sleep for tomorrow, Okay?" He said instead and turned to walk towards his bathroom. "Have fun". He adds, raising his bottle of beer over his head and waving.

Barton looked on, amused and finally looked back outside when the bathroom door was shut.

"Hey honnie!!! Are you just gonna stare at us or are you coming to join us down here. The pool's open for one more hottie". A girl who had been stealing glances at him finally yelled, causing other girls to glance up at him.

Soon they began cheering and splashing about , calling out to him to come join them.

His eyes almost bulged out of his sockets once he saw the 'open' invitation.



He began running out of the room blindly and collided with someone.

Whoever it was broke his fall but he was quick to hold his weight off the person by placing his palms face-down on the floor.

His heart stilled on seeing who was lying beneath him.

Those gorgeous emerald green eyes held his orbs captive.

He smelt booze on her so she was obviously drunk. But what was she doing here? He hadn't even seen her among the women today yet she looked like the most beautiful woman he had seen today.

Her eyes were sleepy; heavy with drunkenness and the way she was curved perfectly underneath his body made his groin throb with arousal.

Charlie growled and howled, urging him to take her right now , right here. But he wasn't sure he should take advantage of her in her drunken state.

"I'm sorry..I …didn't.." Before he could say a word, the girl brought down his head on hers and swallowed his lips into her mouth, wolfing down on his tongue like she was a ravenous thirsty person and he was like a lost oases in a desert.

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