
Why Not Bury The Hatchet?

On the order, the General's soldiers all aimed at the woman, ready to severe her arm from her body. Scared, the little girl held onto her mother, burying her face into the woman's embrace.

Without sparing a second, she shielding both children with her hands, a determined look on her face, as arrows came flying at her all at once!


It happened in a split second, before Mei Deng could blink, the general withdrew from him and used his swords to singlehandedly block all the attacks.

Standing in front of them with arrows scattered at his feet, the general raised his sword over his head. His soldiers were all astonished by his action, and immediately stood down.

"What is happening here? General?" One of his soldiers called out, speaking on behalf of the rest of them.

The woman was fixed in stun, unable to breathe, "You…why would you do this?" The woman's question was answered, by the arrival of her husband, who was as fine as when he was carried with the general.

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