
Yu Xiaoguang Should Be...

Judging by the authoritative manner the old man scolded him, Shao Yŭxuān took a guess that he was the alchemist he had gathered some information against. Hence with some added confidence he quickly got on his knees, then kowtowed to him.

"Please forgive my insolence, heaven bear me witness that I have been fair the entire time in all my judging." Shao Yŭxuān said in a pleading tone, Mei Deng scoffed where he stood and folded his arms.

The alchemist raised his nose to him, "fair? Just who the hell are you?"

Shao Yŭxuān's smile cracked for a split second, however he was quick to recover. "I apologize if I'm not of your expectation, but is it not too harsh to place blame on my judging? Was Yu Xiaoguang's poem relevant to studies? And now, hasn't it come to light that Yu Xiaoguang cheated in the test? Although he is my cousin, should I turn a blind eye to this? Then who would be unfair then?"

Shao Yŭxuān was fishing for sympathy from the spectators, with responses such as...

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