
1176 Sensors

Max's upgrades to the Fusion Reactor seemed to please Sylvie, and she began making the necessary changes only a few minutes after he gave her the instructions. That greatly reduced the fuel requirements for the reactor and bumped the power output upward by ten percent. Not enough to overload any of the circuits, but enough to give them some redundant power when everything was running at maximum output during the repair process.

That was a great relief to Sylvie, who had been carefully rationing power so that she didn't overload anything in her excitement to have her ship back and be out of the dark void of standby mode. 

She didn't know how long she had been offline for, but she had been in stasis for nearly a thousand years, staring at nothing but darkness with no sensors or personnel. That was not a situation she ever wanted to relive, and the more that she brought the ship back online, the more alive she felt again.


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