
1118 They See You

Max waited patiently as the research team picked their five member team to go on the mission, both for development and backup purposes, in case the enemy had something that could affect their computers.

If there was any species well suited to stopping a cyberattack, it was the Innu, and along with the two humans in the group who both had hacking related System Skills, they would be a formidable team of experts if the enemy tried to gain control of their Androids.

Nico was the last one into the ship after she verified that everything was taken care of in her absence, and they were off to the Anomaly, leaving through a portal opened immediately outside the cargo bay of Absolution. 

Under a minute later, they were through the Anomaly, with the blessings of the defenders, and the Warp Speed journey to the location where the Arisen found signs of the Greater Energy Being was underway.


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