Max sent a brief message to the staff of Terminus that they would be leaving within the hour for a political summit with the Anomaly Representatives, and then started to double-check the gear that he had in his flat space storage.
If things did go wrong, he didn't want to be caught unprepared, and unlike Nico, he couldn't go for a month or more without eating. The ship would have plenty of material for the Replicators, but Max liked to at least have a week's worth of rations in his storage, just in case, along with his weapons, Mobile Suit, and a few changes of clothes.
That was about all that would fit, and packing it all in there took some skill, but he was satisfied that he had enough to get through most situations that might come up during their trip back to Rae 5 this time.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: