
1018 Fried Chicken

"This isn't working fast enough. Nico, how about some low-intensity Fusion Flamer action?" Max suggested as he saw the crowd of Demons in the hallway.

"The Mobile Suits are all equipped, but there is no low-intensity setting." Nico reminded him.

"Then a short burst. I don't want to melt our ship." 

Nico laughed. "Half-second burst from all Android units in 3, 2, 1, NOW." 

Max joined the burst and then realized that the Morphos likely didn't know how to access the weapons.

His allies were rapidly retreating back into the room as all the hallways filled with flames, and the Demons vanished with a puff of ash that quickly turned to wisps of energy.

"What in the Seven Realms was that?" Envoy Queen yelled.


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