
1001 Unpleasant Surprise

As the Cathedral Ships approached, Max was expecting another wave of interceptors or orbital fighters, but what he got was much more horrific. The massive vessels disgorged hundreds of thousands of Demonic beings and armoured Warriors into space, and though they had no gear of their own, it seemed that the Demons had no trouble navigating.

They ran through the void as if they were running through the air, only incredibly quickly, covering multiple kilometres with every step as they closed the distance to the Mecha.

[I would just like to note, for the record, that this is some bullshit right here.] One of the Titan Class pilots remarked as the rearguard opened fire on the attackers.

He wasn't wrong, but it did confirm Max's suspicions that the Demons were, in fact, energy beings and not corporeal at all. They only seemed that way because they had to coalesce to interact with the rest of the universe.


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