While Nico was actively working to get the adaptations for pigment modification integrated with the exterior shell of the Mecha as a new coat of paint, the majority of her mind was on the Hunters sensors and trying to find a new intelligent species based on the limited clues that they could pick up, combined with what the shuttle had found, and the sensors on their own ships.
The chances that there was another species to find were pretty slim, but neither Nico nor the Hunters were willing to give up on the chance that there might be something to find, and Max could sense that almost the entire sensor monitoring team was currently on duty, working extra hours on the chance that they would be the one to get the honours.
Their team leader had promised them that if they were the ones to find the definitive signals, then they would get a spot with the first team to make contact, and that was a huge honour for the junior Huntresses on the team.]
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: