
905 Trouble In Paradise

The next morning, Max picked up Nico and placed her on his hip so that he didn't have to go back to find her after he had his morning coffee and prepared to bring up the morning news briefings.

Their apartment was completely full of people this morning, with Uncle Lu in one spare room, Wushu and Mai Chen in another, while Dave and Molly split the remaining two with their adopted children, Max's younger siblings.

Everyone had been so worn out by the time the dinner had ended that they didn't make it any further than the transit pod, and the security officers had helped carry all the kids to the spare bedrooms.

The security officers in question were across the hall, Max could sense, and they were already awake and ordering breakfast from the in-room replicator, so Max chose not to wake everyone up. If he did, they would have to get back to work, and they deserved a late morning after chasing hyper children around all day the day before.


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