
774 Tweak and Tune

Once Yuri had left and the alert status had ended, Nico dragged Max into the repair bay to start upgrading their Mecha for the situations that they were likely to face here in this new territory. 


"First up, that Orbital Lance needs to fire more quickly in dispersed mode, or we need a way to increase the output of your defensive lasers to deal with masses of lighter War Walkers. Then we need a better way of deploying the thrusters for mobility. 


They're not bad, but the input lag is still a bit high, and if we're going to be doing all our fighting in space, we want more stability for shooting. Your System Talent is great, but it would be better if we didn't have to rely on it to adjust for the shaking of the Mecha. 


Then a quick tweak of the shielding so that we don't take so much damage from those damnable heavy weapons, and I think we should be ready for the next mission." Nico decided. 



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