
677 Captured Computer

Max stared over the map of the planet below him with annoyance. Sure, the inhabitants had all holed up inside barriers, but that meant that the Klem were clustered around the barriers, and he would have to encircle them to eliminate them without hitting the shielding of the cities, which honestly couldn't take much more damage than they already were. 


The barriers had been created on the expectation of civilian riots causing issues, not an aggressive alien species invading them, and they were woefully inadequate for the job. 


"Envoy, how long has it been since those city barriers were upgraded?" Max asked the Giant standing beside him, taking notes about the situation on the holographic projection coming from the tabletop. 


"According to my data, it was right after the Valkia Resurgence when they rose to the top of the Alliance political system." The Giant replied after a moment's hesitation. 



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