
566 Alliance Envoys Incoming

The new group didn't take long to arrive. They scheduled a portal opening for the next morning, Terminus ship time, in consideration of everyone's schedule, and informed Max that they would be twenty persons in total, plus four that they had invited from Non Alliance members to attend the meeting.

That last part was a bit strange, but it seemed like they wanted to make a rather large change to the understanding that they had with the humans, and that meant that they had to involve other species as well.

One of the extra four was a Huntress, but not one from Khan's ship. One was a Dryad, who apparently weren't all Alliance members, and the other two were from species that his database couldn't identify, so he turned to Huntress Khan for advice.

[These species, the Dryads, and the others, what are their cultures like? They are coming to attend the meetings, but I don't know anything at all about them.] Max asked.


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