[Nico, we need to divert some staff. I have an idea for how to make Terminus truly famous. An Elite Academy in the stars. I want to free up five hundred meters of the ship, behind the visitor bays, to use as a private academy for Alliance kids.]
[You really are going all out for your sisters, aren't you? We're about done making the Canis adorable, and we've updated the Augmentic suits enough that they will need another round of testing, so we can drop today's plans, other than the Cloaking Device live stream, but we can start that now and work on the ship renovation plans afterward.]
The two Innu parents were still shocked at Max's suggestion when he finished talking to Nico, and the professor had begun drawing on a data tablet with a stylus.
"Terminus is what, fifteen hundred meters wide? Multiply that by five hundred meters long and a kilometer tall. Are you making an Academy or a small city?" He finally asked.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: